Volunteer Information

We need your help!

Contests like these do not just magically happen on their own. Through the help of dedicated parent and student volunteers, we can provide our spectators and participants with a positive and enjoyable experience that will keep them coming back year after year.

Please consider volunteering to help serve!

As we get closer to the competition, we’ll provide information to volunteers here as a central hub.

As of right now, there is no limit to the number of volunteers we’ll need to ensure a smooth competition from start to finish.

The following are just some of the volunteer positions we will need filled:

Outside the Stadium:

  • Spectator Parking Lot Attendants

  • Participating Group Ushers

  • Truck Parking Supervisor

  • Bus Parking Supervisor

Inside the Stadium:

  • Ticket Booth Cashiers

  • Ticket Takers

  • Program Sales

  • Director’s Hospitality

  • Judge Runners


We will definitely be providing concessions for our spectators and participants to enjoy. Concessions present a great opportunity to raise funds that will directly benefit the Lake Ridge Band Program.